martes, 3 de julio de 2012

viernes, 23 de enero de 2009

Spanish animals in danger of extinction

Iberian lynx

Lynx is a genus of mammals Felidae popularly known as lynx. Four known species characterized by their size, strong legs, long ears, short tail and body more or less mottled.
All species live exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere, in Eurasia and North America (where they seem to originate). The so-called African Lynx (Caracal caracal), who lives in Africa and much of Central and West Asia, is actually a little cat who keeps some related external similarities with the representatives of the genus Lynx result of evolutionary convergence, such as its tail exceptionally short (little more than a mere stump), and their large ears, topped by large plumes of black hair at the tip used to increase its already large hearing. There are also some characteristic tufts of long hair on the cheeks.

The iron Tarentola

Tarentola is a genus of the family Gekkonidae and is commonly known by the name of salamanquesas or perenquenes.
The members of this genus for the most part have colors ranging from pale brown or gray in various shades to a dark almost black. His skin is rough and usually has several lumps and stains. The color of their skin and features allow them to hide during the day on tree trunks, stones and other elements of their natural habitat. Some can change color slightly, changing its skin tone. Animals are very fast and can climb on vertical surfaces, since most have pads on their feet that allow them to join. The genus name comes from Taranto, an Italian city.

The bearded vulture

Quebrantahuesos the most frequented places in the wild and inaccessible mountains. Its giant silhouette of a falcon, his belly clear, red chest, his face masked with a disturbing "mask" that leaves poke two black eyes uniquely colored, with three concentric circles, black, yellow and red, have occurred in men fear , fear and horror.
In Spain, until relatively recently, it was common in many mountain ranges, but the relentless pursuit of which has been subjected to indiscriminate use of poison in the area to destroy mammalian predators, it has reduced to breeding areas in very small the Pyrenees.

The Mediterranean monk seal

The Mediterranean monk seal and Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus) is one of the rarest pinnipeds there. Endangered, once populated the waters of the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic, reaching the islands of Cape Verde, Madeira and the Canary Islands (which gave its name to the island of Lobos) and to all the North African coast.
Cited for the first time in the Odyssey of Homer, skeletal remains were found in caves of the seals belonging to the Malaga magdaleniano time ago and epipaleolitico between 14000 and 12000 years. Marks, fractures and burns detected in these bones indicate that people used to seal not only for meat but also for skin and fat.


The wolf (Canis lupus) is a Fam.Canidae in the order Carnivora within the mammals. Probably the most distinctive features of the animals of this size are their long and pointed canine teeth and sharp teeth or premolars upper and lower molars. Carnivores have a simple digestive system and its claws are usually sharp. Moreover, their clavicles are comparatively small. Their brains are highly developed, so these animals are considered more intelligent than most other groups. In addition to the wolf, the dog's family also includes domestic dogs, coyotes, different species of jackals and the dingo. The constitution of the wolf immediately indicates its ability predatory. The 42 pieces of heavy jaws, his rib cage and broad bulky masseter muscles, which give its characteristic shape almond eyes that are the result of a pragmatic evolution to serve its function in the predator trophic level. An adult wolf can have a length of between 100 and 120 centimeters, and an appeal to the cross of 60 to 70 centimeters. The weight varies between 30 and 50 kilos, but copies have been found up to 75 kg. Females have a size and weight than those of males. The variations in size between subspecies and some others may be explained by differences in temperature in areas they inhabit. There is an inverse relationship between temperature and body size of a warm-blooded animal. Those animals in warmer regions have a body mass than those who live in colder regions (Bergman and Allen). The age of the wolf in good survival can reach 16 years.


Fish body oblong proportionately slim little depressed by the cephalic region and the rest compressed, rounded wings and mouth contour supraterminal bearing teeth unicúspides irregularly arranged in several rows. Relatively large scales. Color pardoverdoso by the dorsal surface and clearer to the stomach. Males have yellow and green reflections, in addition, show a dark spot behind the operculum and a series of cross-band and narrow brown. The fins have odd points and radios lined up in the yellow or orange tones. Females do not have all this design and its dorsal and anal fins are less extensive than in males. Longitudinal line with 28 to 30 scale, cross only 8 or 9. Can achieve little more than eight inches, with females generally larger than the males of the same age, although the size of normal adults is about four to seven cm.

Imperial eagle

Our ornithologist is now at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River, is observing a flock of geese from Europe when a shadow passes by ground among geese, suddenly a vast imperial eagle has captured a goose common, after stopping at a slope close to the other geese, is set in our ornithologist goose, weighs at least three pounds, is it possible that an eagle of not more than four kilos capture an animal as large, "if it is not an eagle either is Emperor of forests, is the imperial eagle.
Presented by age 2 plumage, a dark brown adults except creamy white shoulders and neck, and a young tawny brown tone. Only you can be confused with the golden eagle if the observation is bad or long distance. Mainly live in forests in the Mediterranean, in the marshes and the marshes, provided nests in the trees. Its current population is about 80 to 100 couples.

Brown bear

The brown bear in Spain is in danger of extinction. Only a few copies in the Cantabrian Mountains and in the Pyrenees.
Asturian population is estimated at about 80 individuals, mostly located in the Natural Park of Somiedo and Cangas del Narcea. Poaching and the increased presence of humans in their natural habitat are some of the causes of their gradual disappearance.
The brown bear is our nature. It is a treasure that must be careful. Protecting Bear also protects other wildlife.
Their conservation needs the help of all. The bear is an animal plantigrade, meaning that, like humans, go to support the weight of his body on plants his feet.
It's big and muscular, with a small head on his big body.

The black vulture

The black vulture (Aegypius monachus) is the only species of its kind and one of the few vultures can be found in Europe along with the griffon vulture, the vulture and the eagle. Half the size of this species is 25 dm, slightly more than the griffon vulture, although cases have been referred to individuals who could have come to three meters. It should not be confused with the American black vulture, a member of a species (Coragyps atratus) and family (Cathartidae) different.
Its main range is in Asia, covering the entire area from the Caucasus to Turkey and Manchuria. In Europe you can find in the Crimea, Greece, several Mediterranean islands (Cyprus, Crete, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and Mallorca) and southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. In winter it can also be found in the Nile Valley, Palestine, the Punjab and Korea, rarely coming to Japan.

Vicenç Marco Quijada

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My pet

We are Sergi and Daniel and we speak of Gus. Gus is Sergi’s hamster . It is black and white and his eyes are black he is very small and he likes. Gus

likes sleep in his house which is a cardboard box and eat carrots. He likes run in the wheel and play with Sergi. Gus live in Sergi’s house in her cage. Her cage is very big . Her family
lives in the house with Sergi’s friend. Her race it’s very important in Asia for example in India. Her best friend is a foam ball.
We like pets a lot and I makes you happy to have one!

Sergi and Dani

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Typical plants in Catalonia

The typical plants in catalonia are:
-The “roser”: It can be 1.5-2 m high.The leaves are compound with 5-7 toothed leaflets. It began to flower in may though July.
The flowers can be white or pink. It has 5 petals
The flowers are white or slightly pink,

-The “romaní”: evergreen shrub that between 0.5 and 1 m high. It is very aromatic and thin, elongated. They are green on top and white in the at bottom
-The “bruc” of winter: evergreen shrub that usually makes about 70-80 cm. The stems are tortuous and the branches are right. The leaves are linear, thick, bright green and are 8-14 mm in length. They are arranged in groups of 4-6. Flowers during the months of August to December. The flowers are pink.The 8 stamens are long .
-Margarita: With the common name for several margarita known plants of different kinds .Is from the family of the Asteraceae or Compositae. A floral chapter characterizes all types. Margaritas can be white or yellow.It’s a very usually flower in houses that have garden.

Patri and Anna
At my home I have some plants.
Outside I have a “ jazmín” Jasmine, the flower’s perfume .Jasmine is of Arab origin, but was soon extended to Europe. At first, he was given the name ‘yasmin’. In botanical terms, this plant is classified as an evergreen shrub of the family of “oleaceas”. Inside I have some little plants.


In my house I have a balcony and a rosary captus. Within my house two or three artificial plants.
Patri and Anna

Tipical plants of Catalonia.

The typical plants in Catalonia are for example: the orchid, the tulip, daisy, geranium, rose, thyme, hibiscus, iris, narcissus, nettle, rosemary ... etc

We have domestic plants in our home as for example: The orchid that they are ornamental very showy plants, only they bloom once a year and geranium Commonly so called geranium, it consists of 422 species of annual, biennial and everlasting plants frequently used in gardening for his attractive flowers. His habitat understands all the moderate regions of the world included the mountainous zones of the tropics, though they are for the most part in the oriental region of the Mediterranean and hibiscus The flowers are long, eminent, with form of trumpet, with five petals, from white tones to roses, red, purple or yellow, from 4 to 15 cm of size.

Shrub that can reach up to 8 meters high. Presents the leaves shiny, dark green and are arranged in whorls of 4 to 5. The leaves are about 8-10 cm long. This is Heather own land calcareous Flowering: The flowering period begins in late summer and can be reached until December or even January. We can find tardenes flowers that are preserved until the spring. The flowers are pink with long stalks and numerous. The stamens out of the corolla cylindrical and are fairly obvious. This shrub is grown as ornamental for the beauty of its flowers.

I have one plant in my room, there’s a cactus and he’s very big.

I have two plants in my house. There’s a daisy and rose bush

Typical Plants in Catalonia

The typical plants in Catalonia are for example: the orchid, the tulip, daisy, geranium, rose, thyme, hibiscus, iris, narcissus, nettle, rosemary ... etc

We have domestic plants in our home as for example: The orchid that they are ornamental very showy plants, only they bloom once a year and geranium Commonly so called geranium, it consists of 422 species of annual, biennial and everlasting plants frequently used in gardening for his attractive flowers. His habitat understands all the moderate regions of the world included the mountainous zones of the tropics, though they are for the most part in the oriental region of the Mediterranean and hibiscus The flowers are long, eminent, with form of trumpet, with five petals, from white tones to roses, red, purple or yellow, from 4 to 15 cm of size.

We do not like very much the plants, since they seem to us to be boring, and do not have too grace…

Normally almost all the plants are in use for making nice etc ... but there are plants as the carnivorous ones that take other uses as for example as those who are more small (for homes) they eat up to the Insects or to the insects.

Protected animals

In Catalonia there are many wild animals distributed by the Pyrenees, Collserola mountain in Barcelona and Catalonia’s diverse points. These it owes to that the vegetation in Catalonia is very abundant and simultaneously very green where the animals have very much space and food to survive, because of the great diversity of landscapes.

There are many animals as the wild boar that though it has a great vegetation to choose they go down to the zones of the city near the mountain of Collserola mountain (near the city of Barcelona) when they eat even what people give them. These last years have grown the number of wild boar in Catalonia and many of them are sacrificed by sound very resistant and dangerous, also there are the Spanish ibex placed overcoat to the Pyrenees where they are jumping over the rocks in search of favourable situations. The eagles overfly the Pyrenees in search of food. To the bears they introduce in the Pyrenees 3 or 4 years ago since they had been extinguished. These bears were transported from Slovenia. They are a bit dangerous, since they attacked two persons in his own fields.

Personal opinion: we think that in Catalonia there are a lot of wild animals. It’s necessary because they are very beautiful. In Catalonia there are a lot of fields too, animals eat in this. Although there are some wild animals dangerous because sometimes attack people.

Borja i Albert

Protected animals in Catalonia and Spain

The boar

The boar is a medium-sized mammal bearing a large and elongated head, in which very small eyes. The neck is thicker and the legs are too short, which further accentuated his chubby body, which is higher than the height of the forequarters the rear, unlike the domestic swine, that genetic evolution has developed over the back of his body, which found the pieces that reach more value in the market for meat.

the bear

The bear is one of the larger animals - males can weigh up to 780 kg. His weight varies depending on the season - in the autumn weigh much more than in the spring. This is because during the fall should eat a lot and then survive during the winter hibernation. The body is between 172 and 284 cm and the tail of 6 to 22 cm. They live between 20 and 25 years and eat plants, fruits, insects, mice, salmon, trout and medium mammals.

the lynx

Lynx is a genus of mammals Felidae popularly known as lynx. Four known species characterized by their size, strong legs, long ears, short tail and body more or less mottled. All species live exclusively in the Northern Hemisphere, in Eurasia and North America (where they seem to originate). The so-called African Lynx (Caracal caracal), who lives in Africa and much of Central and West Asia, is actually a little cat who keeps some related external similarities with the representatives of the genus Lynx result of evolutionary convergence, such as its tail exceptionally short (little more than a mere stump), and their large ears, topped by large plumes of black hair at the tip used to increase its already large hearing. There are also some characteristic tufts of long hair on the cheeks.

Ernest and Didac

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2008

Telematic projects

We believe that people have decided these animals by the temperature is in Catalonia, the atmosphere that exists between people. Animals are often put up a walk and make a lot of company. The downside is when people are tired that abandoned them and get bored of them. It is a big investment to have a pet at home because you have to buy food, veterinary ... They have no other animals because there are here are the most docile of animals, such as a dog. The other pets are very difficult to take them into a house. But we believe it is inappropriate to have a big animal in a small house without and space. If we add to this that many owners are not at home during the day, yearn for the animals and get depressed because they need love like people. To take good care of animals must be out for a walk three times a day minimum, feed him and let him freedom on the home, that in the case of the dog and the cat, for example. In the typical case of other animals such as fish or birds just have to feed and care for them.
The landscapes in catalunya are very diferents. Catalunya has got mountains, beach and cities.
El Prat de llobregat is a town of about people not far from Barcelone. We’ve got the Prat-Barcelone international airport there. El Prat de Llobregat has got very plain landscapes next to the river Llobregat and the Mediterranean sea. He has got a big way that the delta crosses. He has got a big catholic church, and three sports centers (El Prat has got a lot of teams of football and basketball). It has a one beautiful beach with his shops and his activies. Now Catalonia has three very important cities apart from Barcelona:
Lleida, Tarragona and Girona.
Hi, I am Albert and I’m 14 years. I do not have any pet because we do not have sufficient space in house, and my father is allergic to the hair of dog. We do not also have time to walk with the animal, it to extract it is necessary to do it’s needs. How already I have said I cannot have one pet, but I would like to have a dog. I believe that I can to play the role responsible for it without any problem since take the time that was necessary to be with it.

Hi, I’m Borja and I’m 14 years my I like a lot of the animals but my parents do not leave me to have one because they say that they are very difficults of going and you prop he says that if one had my father would not take care of it .Also he likes many people but my mother does not leave me. If it had a dog it would be a boxer because they seem to be to me very nice and you prop they are enough calm and obedient. HAMMER would be called and would take care of it very well but they don’t alone me definitive that I do not have because my parents they do not leave me.

*My name is Iris and I have got a bird and a dog. My bird’s name is Blue, because it is blue. It sings a lot. I love listen my bird when it is singing. It is 3 years old. My dog’s name is Panchi. It is a Chiguagua. Panchi has got long, brown and white hair. It is very beautiful and sweet. It is 7 years old.
*I’m Nerea and I have got a little dog. It’s Lua and it is a female. It’s two years old. It is a yorkshire terrier toy and it is very small and cute. It has got long, brown and black hair. It loves sleep on the sofa and it loves go out for walk. It is very sociable
*My name is Cristina I haven’t got a pet because I don’t like the animals. My parents don’t like have animals in our house. But I like a bit the small dogs.
I meet Lua and I like me because it’s small.
I have a dog. It is called Nina. It’s a female. Her hair is brown and it has got dark eyes. It’s very cute and funny, but although it’s 9 years old, she remains very childish. It enjoys a lot playing with us. It was a birthday present for my older sister. Each time the she hears the shower she runs away, because it doesn’t not like water.

When we go out to the country always it goes out running and it does not stop playing until we go away.
And sometimes in the night it comes to sleep with me, gets under my blanket and remains there, sleeping with me. It gives us a lot of happiness and vitality. When it sees someone unknown, he barks.
In winter we always put her a coat, because is very sensitive to cold weather.We love her a lot. I would advise people to have a pet because it gives a lot of company, you never feel alone and it has much affection
Cristina Romero
Hi people we’re going to speak about the typical pets in Catalonia

In Catalonia there are a lots of pets and I guess its the same around the world but in a special think the donkey. The donkey it’s not a pet company it’s a typical pet
The forbears were using the donkey for his domestic tasks: to take water, to transport commodity, to work the field…

The wild boar is a mammal of medium size provided with a big and elongated head, in which a few very small eyes stand out. The neck is thick(bulky) and the legs are very short, which accentuates furthermore(moreover) his stocky(plump) body, in which it(he,she) is major the height of quarter(room) forward that the backs, unlike the domestic pork, which for genetic evolution has developed more the later(posterior) part of his(its) body, where there are located the pieces that reach more value on the market of the meats